Thursday, November 02, 2006

Happy NaBloPoMo

Oo, National Blog Posting Month!

I saw this on several of the blogs I frequent and was intrigued. Write every day in November? Why, that would kick up by posting frequency by, um, 3000% ! Is that right? So sue me, I don't remember my fractions. hehe

One big linky list is here:

Fussy posited the question:
Why the hell would I want to do that? You started a blog to make yourself write more often?

For the challenge of it. For the fun of it. Not for writing's sake, but for nurturing a sense of consistency. A sense of accomplishment. A sense of connection maybe.

It's probably too late for me to get on any list of the participants, seeing as the deadline was yesterday and I JUST SAW IT THIS MORNING. Oh well. Hi ya'll. I am off and running. Already while cleaning out the litterbox, I came up with several topics to muse out loud about. While keeping my Real Life and Online selves separate. THAT's the challenge. Activate Persona! Or is that Adoptive Parent? Stop me before I become an ass. I'm actually a little nervous about sharing my thoughts. The web is wide open. But putting my thoughts on [digital] paper down helps order and clarify them. THAT's why I write at all.

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