Friday, April 27, 2007

I cracked up recently reading Julie's rendition of her Instant Message Conversations With My ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor.

If I had to imagine my old basel thermometer personified, this is what I get:

BT: You never pick me up any more. You leave me lying here on the bedside bookcase doing nothing! Don't I mean anything to you any more? You never even wonder what your temp is. What's wrong? *snif* Don't you love me any more? (loud sobbing)

Me: Uhh. It was fun, but I'm afraid I've moved on... It's not you, really. Here, let me put you in the closet with my old sharps and ya'll can talk about old times...

That's all we need, a weepy BT or a sarcastic shadenfreudliche CBEFM.

Makes me glad I didn't cave to my first doctor's suggestion that we get one of those monitors. Of course, he cheerfully mentioned adoption in the same breath as an IUI, and claimed that any reasonable question showed I was too "anxious," so that shows how invested he was in my success... Here, let's spend some *more* money! 'Cause you'll probably have to adopt anyway... seeing how you're so "anxious"... A**hole.

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