Saturday, December 01, 2007

Well, what do you know. A writing habit can be hard to break, and here I am again... NoMo NoBloPoMo

This whole week/weekend has been a little odd. M and I both have been hit with nasty head colds for several days, and we have done the minimal amount of obligations all week. I taught a class before it got too bad, and also managed to go to the class that I cannot miss, and hopefully did not spread my germs around too much, tried to not touch anything or breathe on anybody... M had been dragging himself to work, sick, all week--no fun, that.

When I'm awake, I've spent my time reading, cruising the internets, or attempting to get work done in short bursts of available energy between doses of cold medicine, soup, chocolate, and herbal tea. Occasionally, one of us feels well enough to make some more tea or heat some more soup.

The first couple days, the cold meds seemed to have NO effect whatsoever. Bad and good periods did not seem to correlate with dosage schedules. I also could not find my preferred meds in the stores, and was having to try out new stuff. Finally, we hit on something that seemed to work, and we slept better. Ahh, sleep...

We are just starting to come out from under that. We think so, anyway.

It's been disorienting, though. I still feel pretty spacey, with little or no attention span, much less mental acuity. I don't know how I managed yesterday's post. I think I started writing in the afternoon when my energy level was up and ran with it before I fell over again. I didn't even have energy to deal with M's attempts at humor on those occasions that he was feeling more chipper--I couldn't find the energy in me to even respond. I've just been waiting it out... I can't even get too sorry about missing two great dances and other events this week and weekend... we just are not up for it.

Today, I'm just well enough to feel restless and to want to work on things, but not well enough to actually accomplish much. I did sweep the floors today after I noticed the dirt enough for it to bother me. I took a bath. I went on another soup run. Tried to find vegetarian soup at Big Supermarket late at night. I found two (two!) soups that didn't contain chicken or beef broth, and one of those contained high fructose corn syrup-yuck! As much as I get annoyed by my local food co-op and High-end Organic Grocery Stores at times, I am so glad they exist. Otherwise, we'd be reduced to eating food that I can't tolerate any more.

And now to sleep... Ahh, sleep. Be well. Hopefully a better post will arise later.



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