Monday, September 10, 2007

Me and My Krazy

Figlet asked about Krazy. Everybody has one. So what's your's, she asked.

Hmmm. Probably that I find this an interesting task... Yes, to spend hours thinking of exactly what my Krazy is. I like it when people ask me about myself. heh :)

I'm very private (to the point of social anxiety on occasion), but I like talking about myself. Go figure! I love filling out surveys, but then I'm too privacy-conscious to actually send them in. Of course, that's why I have a blog! Ha ha ha! It makes no sense at all.

I am very picky about my private space. I like having people over, but after a few hours, I need them to go home and leave me alone. I like my friends, but in manageable doses. And please don't touch me unless we have mutually agreed upon a hugging relationship. Don't hang on my arm or--god forbid!--pet my hair, or I will snarl at you.

I am super sensitive to any and all stimulus. Light, sound, touch, temperature, texture, scent, flavor, conversation. I thrive on the stimulation, and then it gets too much and I ask them to all go home. haha

I like finding things at thriftshops or rescuing old things. I like semi-antiques, things with character. In fact, as a former artist, I am always collecting bits of paper or design, scraps of color, cool little things. I do things like take pictures of interesting light effects and write down things stories about things that happen. Meanwhile, I am fighting the other direction, trying to purge all the junk I end up collecting. It's that whole love-hate of stimulus thing. I think as I get older, I am streamlining what I keep, and thank goodness for that.

I get a little obsessive about topics that interest me, and spend a lot of time reading and doing research (hellooo China) and learning stuff and marveling about how interesting it all is. Some people find it weird to enthuse and learn stuff. I think it's normal.

Oh, and I have this thing about being considerate, although it may not be obvious from the way I grouse about other people. I am sensitive to feelings and nuances. I notice when other people are trying to cross the street or to get by or to make nice, OR feeling overwhelmed, and I'm scandalized when other people are oblivious to that and don't respond. It feels so rude to ignore those subtle signals. Nevermind that others sometimes don't even notice! :) It's just an internal standard of how to "do right" by other people. Of course, there can be a fine line between being considerate versus being a doormat. Being subjected to any attempted manipulation reeeeally pisses me off.

Oh, and then there's ice cream. Mmm, ice cream.

(crossposted to Figlet)

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At 6:13 PM , Blogger Suz said...

We have many of the same Krazy. In fact, the best present that my husband ever gave me was a pair of noise reduction headphones so when I'm sitting in a plane, surrounded by noise, I don't have to hear it.


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