Tuesday, January 08, 2008

New Years Themes So Far

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Interesting start to the new year.  Refreshing connections, new projects, clearing away old stuff... I have given up on resolutions, but I like to audition new habits.  Maybe this year I will try writing more, eating less, more focused photography projects, fewer days sunk into the internet. 

After the holidays, it's like a fresh start. As much as I enjoy all the trappings of the winter holidays, I confess relief when it is time to taking it down, sweeping it aside to take on the new year.  I had my tree ornaments down in record time. 

Some recent endeavors:

Reworking the organization of certain kitchen cabinets.  
I don't take down the whole kitchen apart at once--no, no, no.  I do the FlyLady thing and focus on one shelf at a time.  But I "boogied" my spice shelf!  ("Boogied" is FlyLady talk for rapidly sorting and dumping that which is unused, old, ratty, unwanted or just neglected to the point of uselessness--get it out! pass it on!)   
I already have my spices split into sweet and savory piles, i.e. for baking versus cooking. Now I'm trying a new variation on that organizational strategy, using one of those rotating units I picked up a a thrift store a while back so I can see and reach everything more easily.  I cleaned the thing, emptied the shelf, and decided which spices and herbs were good enough to go back. Some jars I have had since I was in college--ugh!  I also repackaged a few things, such as my bay leaves in a small glass jar.   I sometimes get herbs in small plastic bags, but I can't stand having a pile of teeny plastic bags everywhere!  I am gradually moving to small, refillable containers.  Well, it's a start.   The sweet stuff went on the rotating thingie. The savory had two tiers--a tall back and an alphabetized front row of my most commonly used herbs.   

It felt very good to ditch some of the old stuff I don't use any more. Clear it out!

I'm also purging a lot of old glass jars, keeping only ones of a certain size for food storage to simplify things.  I might be able to pass on some of the larger ones to my sister.   Another shelf in another cabinet is getting a makeover too. One shelf for drinking glasses only, one for nothing by glass jars and containers.  It sounds so mundane, I know, but it really helps me to have things simplified and organized.  Not five eight different versions of things I don't use, but the top three I find most useful.  Plus the visual clarity of having it categorized so neatly is relaxing, helps me keep the ol' brain focused. 

I am rearranging a few larger items in the kitchen as well. Like a little mini table that I usually keep for the water filter (drinking water) needs to go in a different nook and not taking up space in the conveniently inconvenient location.  Of course, everything I move gets wiped down and boogied/decluttered. 

And speaking of decluttering, I am working on getting junk off the kitchen floor. There are a few corners in which the random piece collects like driftwood.  I am sick of it!  My goal is to find a home for all of the useful stuff and junk the rest.  Gradually, gradually, I am streamlining my appliances and random kitchen stuff, keeping only that which we use and enjoy. 

On a non-kitchen note, I am wanting to write more and keep a better focus on my various projects both work and personal.  Some of that is helped by decluttering enough to have space to work. Some of it is getting rid of that stuff which is not working for me any more, such as paraphernalia from two careers back!  I have a hard time simply junking some things, have to find them a home and all that.  Other times, it's very freeing to give it to Goodwill or another thrift store and let them sort it out. 

I'm trying to build regular routines so I don't get so lost in distractions. For instance, I need to note my food intake better (M is doing some of the same, so we help each other), need to get more movement into the day to up my fitness, need to write more... need to get off the internet more! Haha, yes, the impossible task! But I think it's possible. 

Must keep up with friends more, meditate more, clear the small room so we can do yoga together, keep decluttering the house and basement, reading more, tackle all work projects with glee and vigor. Doesn't that phrase alone exude glee and vigor? haha 

Looking at my list, I realize that so far, my New Years has two themes: Focus! and Clear it out!

It's all good. It feels good. I'm riding that can-do energy as long as it'll take me.  Now I've got to go finish raking leaves...  Go outside and enjoy the air. I'm giving you permission if you need it. :)

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